Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sea Horse By Judith

A sea horse has a cool grasping tail! And instead of scales they have bony plates. In the beginning of breeding season, the male sea horse grows a pouch on his belly. The male and female twine their tails before the female lays her eggs in the males pouch. The male fertilizes the eggs and they are born.

A sea horse has a small fin at their back. They have gills and a tail like all fishes do, but sometimes they have a pouch. A sea horse also has a snout. They can grow up to 35cm, 32cm, 15cm or 16cm.

A sea horse can live in the sea and have water nests. They can also hide in sea plants or coral reefs. They would also enjoy waters that are 5-30 inches deep. A sea horse is often found in seas in Australia.

A sea horse favorite shrimp are crustaceans. They like zooplankton and plankton. They also like to eat fish larva. And sometimes even worms!

Sea horses are unusual too, because the males carry the eggs in their pouch. The seahorse is an animal that many people like because they are small and cute!

Clinging sea Horses By Judith Jango
Sea Horses By Elizabeth Laskey

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