Sunday, April 25, 2010

Octopus By Nino

An octopus is meant to be creepy, slimy and horrible, but they would rather sneak away than attack somebody. The octopus sprays black ink if it feels threatened.

An octopuses head is very small and has a bag like body. The eyes can look in all directions with out turning the head. Its eight arms are attached to its head.

An octopus eats fish by grabbing fish by its tentacles. It also eats crabs, scallops, and abalone. A giant octopus can even eat birds. They can eat tuna, small fish, barracuda, salmon, conch snails, oysters, clams and hard shelled crabs.

An octopus lives in a hole in both in shallow and deep water in the Pacific Oceans. A good spot for them to live is where they can hide. Their home is called a den.

Octopus by Ron Hirshi

Tentacles by James Martin
An octopus was thought of as one of the most scary sea monsters. They say that it could even drown a ship. Today many are are not really dangerous.


  1. Nino, I think this is very nicely researched. And I think it is great that you looked at several sources for information. Great job!!

    I wonder what you will blog about next......

  2. Hallo Nino,
    ich finde Deinen Blog über die Oktopusse supergut geschrieben. Vor allem die Einleitung gefiel mir, weil ich erst dachte, daß die Oktopusse doch Seeungeheuer sind. Doch dann hast du das wissenschaftlich sehr gut erklärt, das dem nicht so ist. Tolle Arbeit :-))
    Deine Mamina
