Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hermit Crabs By Joseph

If hermit crabs are threatened they quickly pull their whole body back inside the shell.

A hermit crab has three rows of legs, and it can be hairy. Hermit crabs are poisonous too. They have ten legs and two large pinchers. They also have large eyes at the end of their long stalks. . They have HUGE claws or pinchers. Hermit crabs have very sensitive antenna to touch.

Crabs eat fish that are smaller than them, and they eat coral as well. Hermit crabs eat rubbish that falls into the sea, and can choke on it and die and suffer. They also eat shrimp and sea worms. They use their mouth to shift through sand and mud for food particles.

Hermit crabs live in shells to survive usually on the beach. Old and big crabs live in seas. The crabs live in holes, and come out when hungry.

I like hermit crabs because they can have big shells and can live in lots of marine parks. I really like hairy ones

Aquatic Life

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