Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dolphins By Jane

Dolphins can usually be found in large groups and they help each other to hunt for food. Dolphins care for their young and they are smart and very curious. The dolphin families aren’t fishes, but they are mammals. Dolphins like playing with humans and they are very friendly. The Killer Whale is not a whale, it is actually an Orca dolphin. The Orca dolphin’s favorite food is the tongue of a blue whale.

Dolphins are actually small toothed whales and they are fat. They have a melon shaped head and they have tiny eyes. It has a smooth skin and they also have blow holes to breathe with. The dolphin has a torpedo shaped body and they have long beaks.

The dolphins use echolocation to hunt for their food. They eat lobsters, seals and fishes. They also eat penguins and squids.

The dolphins lives in shallow coastal waters, but they mostly live in oceans. Some live in groups and some live in rivers. They also live in warm temperate and tropical waters.

Dolphins are kind and they play with humans very generously.

Source: Splash –A Book about Whales and Dolphins
Bottlenose Dolphins
Aquatic Life

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