Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lion Fish By Hiroaki

The lion fish is part of the scorpion fish family. They are also called turkey fish or fire fish. Their colors tell predators to stay away.

The lion fish looks like a porcupine and it has stripes. Lion fish have poison in their fin spines. Each species has special stripes. It has big pectoral fins and long dorsal fins. They can be very brightly colored.

Lion fish live in the coral reef with lots of fish. They’re found in the Pacific Oceans and other oceans. They like to hide inside holes and swim from one to another.

Lion fish eat little fish, like the butterfly fish, angel fish, plankton, crustaceans, shrimp, and flat fish.

Lion fish looks colorful but do not touch them because they are very dangerous.

Frightening Fish
Internet – Greta Barrier Reef

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