Monday, April 26, 2010

Sea Horses By Lily

It is hard to believe that the sea horse is a fish, but it is. They can change their color to hide from their enemies. Sea horses are very shy and peaceful creatures.

A Sea horse has a long tail and a long nose. It has a big tummy and its head looks like a horses head. A seahorse has a see through fin. The male seahorse has pouch so the female and male can have babies. They dance side by side and then the female pushes the eggs into the pouch. And when the babies are ready they push themselves out and they hang on to what ever is near them.

A seahorse eats tiny animals called plankton and zooplankton. It catches them by opening its mouth and closing its mouth.

A seahorse lives in the coral reef and in the shallow waters of the reef. They feed almost all the day! They have small black eyes and are very sensitive and can get hurt very easily.

Sea horses are very cute and small.

Source: Clinging Sea Horses By Judith Jango-Cohen
Coral reefs By Barbara Taylor

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Octopus By Yugo

Everyone knows about octopus, especially that they have eight arms. There is so much more to learn about these amazing creatures.

Some octopuses are big and some have eight arms called tentacles. Octopuses have soft bodies and no backbone. They have big heads, large brain and large eyes, they have good eyesight. And there are over 150 kinds of octopus.

Octopuses eat clams, abalone, crabs, and fish. They also like to eat snails, oysters, squids, starfish, sea cucumbers, shrimp and fish eggs.

Octopuses live in oceans all over the world. They do not live in freshwater. They can be found on the sea floor, in reefs and hiding in rocks. An octopus’s home is called a den and they like being in hidden caves and in sunken ships.

An octopus is an interesting animal that uses camouflage to protect itself. There are many different sorts of octopus all over the world.

Source: Octopus By Ron Hirschi
Octopuses By Jenny Markert

Turtles By Yannick

Turtles are reptiles and can lay 60 white eggs. Leather back turtles can swim further than other turtles. They are the largest turtles in the whole world.

Turtles have a hard shell and are usually green. They can live up to 200 years. They can often have white and yellow spots.

A turtle’s favorite food is jellyfish. It can eat twice its own body weight of jellyfish in one day.

Turtles live in the coral reef and shallow water some times. They never live in deep water.

Turtles are amazing creatures and they can go inside their shell if they are frightened for protection.

Coral Polyps By Reagan

Coral reefs are made up of millions of tiny animals called polyps. Reefs are often called the rain forests of the sea.

Polyps look like rocks but are animals. Some of the most colorful things on earth are found in the coral reefs.

Coral polyps have soft bodies and no eyes. They have long tentacles on their back. Coral comes in lots of different colors. They’re both hard and soft bodies.

Corals eat small fish and shrimp at night. Polyps eat little fish that float by. They also eat algae and plankton.

Most corals live in shallow water. Corals are some of the most amazing things. They come out at night and sleep in the day. So don’t drop your anchor when you’re there. Don’t touch the coral reef because if you do you might be killing these small animals.

Source:Aquatic Life of the World

Extreme Coral

Coral Polyps By Rashad

Coral reefs are made up of millions of tiny animals called polyps. Reefs have over two-thirds of the world’s fish. Polyps live together in colonies located in warm oceans.

A coral polyp can be soft and tube shaped. They has many tentacles, and are small like a jellyfish. Of the 5,000 different kinds, some are hard and some are soft.

Corals eat small animals that float by. To catch them, they sting them. They eat at night, eating dead fish and shrimp. Also, they eat plankton.

Polyps live together in colonies and oceans all around world. They live in shallow waters around islands. You can find coral reefs at the equator.

Coral polyps are important because many types of fish need to coral reefs to live in. We need to help save the coral polyps so we can help save the reef.

Corals – Lola M. Schaefer
Aquatic Life

Octopus By Nino

An octopus is meant to be creepy, slimy and horrible, but they would rather sneak away than attack somebody. The octopus sprays black ink if it feels threatened.

An octopuses head is very small and has a bag like body. The eyes can look in all directions with out turning the head. Its eight arms are attached to its head.

An octopus eats fish by grabbing fish by its tentacles. It also eats crabs, scallops, and abalone. A giant octopus can even eat birds. They can eat tuna, small fish, barracuda, salmon, conch snails, oysters, clams and hard shelled crabs.

An octopus lives in a hole in both in shallow and deep water in the Pacific Oceans. A good spot for them to live is where they can hide. Their home is called a den.

Octopus by Ron Hirshi

Tentacles by James Martin
An octopus was thought of as one of the most scary sea monsters. They say that it could even drown a ship. Today many are are not really dangerous.

Sharks By Manuela

Sharks are a very ancient groups of animals. The first sharks lived more than 400 million years ago, that is 200 million years before the first dinosaur walked the earth.

The hammerhead shark eats fish, stingrays, crabs, and squid. They hunt on the sea floor to find stingrays that are living on the floor. Mako sharks eat tuna, mackerel and sword fish.

Mako sharks have short fins and long fins. Short fin makos have shorter pectoral fins than long fin makos. These fins help sharks steer like an airplane.

A shark lives in oceans, coral reefs and seas. The tiger shark is able to live in many different marine habitats, but they really like murky waters in coastal areas.

I think sharks have the right to eat humans because we also eat them. We are also in their homes when they
attack us.

Source: Mako Sharks
Shark Attack
Florida Natural Museum

Bull Sharks By Lorenzo

A bull shark gets its name from its appearance. It is a very common shark. It travels a long way each year. Bull sharks are aggressive and often swim near humans.

Bull Sharks have a short, wide snout and the nose of a bull. They have a big body with four fins. They can be eight to ten feet long, and three to five feet wide. A Bull Shark has lots of triangular and sharp teeth. The females are larger than the males. They are only sharks to have a backbone.

Bull sharks mostly live in the ocean around a coral reef. However, they can also live in fresh water for a little while. They are usually found close to the shore.

Bull sharks eat many things. Some of the things they eat are: dolphins, fish, other sharks, sea turtles, humans, manta rays, mollusks, and crustaceans.

Bull sharks don’t have many predators. There is not a lot of research on bull sharks. We need to learn more so we can understand them. They are now on the “Near Threatened” list, so we need to protect them.

Bull Sharks By Deborah Nuzzolo

Sea Horse By Judith

A sea horse has a cool grasping tail! And instead of scales they have bony plates. In the beginning of breeding season, the male sea horse grows a pouch on his belly. The male and female twine their tails before the female lays her eggs in the males pouch. The male fertilizes the eggs and they are born.

A sea horse has a small fin at their back. They have gills and a tail like all fishes do, but sometimes they have a pouch. A sea horse also has a snout. They can grow up to 35cm, 32cm, 15cm or 16cm.

A sea horse can live in the sea and have water nests. They can also hide in sea plants or coral reefs. They would also enjoy waters that are 5-30 inches deep. A sea horse is often found in seas in Australia.

A sea horse favorite shrimp are crustaceans. They like zooplankton and plankton. They also like to eat fish larva. And sometimes even worms!

Sea horses are unusual too, because the males carry the eggs in their pouch. The seahorse is an animal that many people like because they are small and cute!

Clinging sea Horses By Judith Jango
Sea Horses By Elizabeth Laskey

Moray Eel By Jude

The moray eel hides very still so no one can see it. It feels slimy and they are very wiggly. The moray eel is hard to see if you swim fast in the sea. Some moray eels are nocturnal..

Most eels have very smooth skin with out any scales. Lots are shaped like round sticks. Eels can have silvery, greenish, or a mix of colors and spots on their skin. Moray eels can grow really long up to 1.5 meters. Finally, the moray eel has a strong wide jaw, and sharp teeth to eat its prey. Moray eels can have toxic mucus covering its body.

The moray eel eats tiny animals that drift through the sea. Some of the garden eels prey are really too small for us too see. Some birds often catch eels. Conger eels eat crabs, lobsters, and octopus. Moray eels lie down and wait to ambush their prey.

Most eels like living in warm waters. Some eels like living in shallow seas. Divers sometime find eels in rocky places, reefs, and in sunken ships. Some eels travel from the ocean to the rivers.

Moray eels are cool because they are like the snakes of the sea.


Sea Monster EelsInternet – Indianapolis Zoo

Hermit Crabs By Joseph

If hermit crabs are threatened they quickly pull their whole body back inside the shell.

A hermit crab has three rows of legs, and it can be hairy. Hermit crabs are poisonous too. They have ten legs and two large pinchers. They also have large eyes at the end of their long stalks. . They have HUGE claws or pinchers. Hermit crabs have very sensitive antenna to touch.

Crabs eat fish that are smaller than them, and they eat coral as well. Hermit crabs eat rubbish that falls into the sea, and can choke on it and die and suffer. They also eat shrimp and sea worms. They use their mouth to shift through sand and mud for food particles.

Hermit crabs live in shells to survive usually on the beach. Old and big crabs live in seas. The crabs live in holes, and come out when hungry.

I like hermit crabs because they can have big shells and can live in lots of marine parks. I really like hairy ones

Aquatic Life

Hermit Crabs By David

By David

Hermit crabs are in the crab family. Hermit crabs can walk faster than turtles, but they can’t swim faster than sea turtles.

Hermit crabs eat mud, fish and coral. They can also be poisonous. Normally the hairy hermit crabs are poisonous, but some just use the hair to feel, so they know if enemy are coming.

Hermit crabs look like crabs in a shell. They can grow up to 4 inches or 10 centimeters. They also have 10 legs and two front legs and no nose. They have pinchers for feeding, cleaning and defense.

When a hermit crab is in danger, it quickly hides inside its shell but if a person is trying to kill it, it pinches them.

Aquatic Life
Coral Reefs in Danger

Dolphins By Jane

Dolphins can usually be found in large groups and they help each other to hunt for food. Dolphins care for their young and they are smart and very curious. The dolphin families aren’t fishes, but they are mammals. Dolphins like playing with humans and they are very friendly. The Killer Whale is not a whale, it is actually an Orca dolphin. The Orca dolphin’s favorite food is the tongue of a blue whale.

Dolphins are actually small toothed whales and they are fat. They have a melon shaped head and they have tiny eyes. It has a smooth skin and they also have blow holes to breathe with. The dolphin has a torpedo shaped body and they have long beaks.

The dolphins use echolocation to hunt for their food. They eat lobsters, seals and fishes. They also eat penguins and squids.

The dolphins lives in shallow coastal waters, but they mostly live in oceans. Some live in groups and some live in rivers. They also live in warm temperate and tropical waters.

Dolphins are kind and they play with humans very generously.

Source: Splash –A Book about Whales and Dolphins
Bottlenose Dolphins
Aquatic Life

Lion Fish By Hiroaki

The lion fish is part of the scorpion fish family. They are also called turkey fish or fire fish. Their colors tell predators to stay away.

The lion fish looks like a porcupine and it has stripes. Lion fish have poison in their fin spines. Each species has special stripes. It has big pectoral fins and long dorsal fins. They can be very brightly colored.

Lion fish live in the coral reef with lots of fish. They’re found in the Pacific Oceans and other oceans. They like to hide inside holes and swim from one to another.

Lion fish eat little fish, like the butterfly fish, angel fish, plankton, crustaceans, shrimp, and flat fish.

Lion fish looks colorful but do not touch them because they are very dangerous.

Frightening Fish
Internet – Greta Barrier Reef

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jellyfish by Bridget

Did you know that jellyfish are related to the sea anemone, corals and the hydraes? There are more than 200 different species of jellyfish. They have extra senses to see in the light or the dark.

The jellyfish’s mouth is in the center of the bell. A jelly fish looks like a small octopi floating in the ocean. They have a big bell on the top and lots of tentacles. There are lots and lots of different kinds of jelly fish, and they also look different.

Jellyfish eat small fish. It is easy for them to catch because they just bump and sting many humans and animals in the ocean. Once they have eaten algae, more algae grows in their body because of the sunshine. Some jelly fish even grow their own food because there is no right food for them.

Jellyfish live in the oceans. They float in deep and shallow water and live all around the earth. Most jellyfish live in places with lots of food. Jellyfish live on the beautiful coral reefs.

DID YOU KNOW THE CORAL REEFS ARE DYING and it is up to all of us tosave them so DO NOT
BOMB FISH!!! We are tryingto save the reefs not kill them. Did you know that the coral reef is almost G.O.N.E! So don’t do anything that will affect the reef. There are so many beautiful fish you can look at and take photos of, but just don’t touch them.

Jellies By Twig. C. Gorg
Jellyfish By Lloyd G Douglas

Puffer Fish By Alexa

There are more than 120 species of Puffer fish. The poison from the Puffer fish can kill 30 adult humans.

Some Puffer fish live in fresh water, but most live in coral reefs. They also live in tropical marine waters, including the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.

Puffer fish eat hard food like corals, sea urchins and shell fish.

Some Puffer fish are shaped like a football and they are about the size of a banana. Their mouth looks like a beak and they have thick skin. Most of the Puffer fish are small, but they also have a large head. They can reach over 3 feet long.

Puffer Fish look very gentle, but if they get angry or scared they puff up and can be very dangerous.

· Puffer Fish By Jodi Rank
· Aquatic Life of the World